Living Your 'Year of Yes'

2:08:00 PM

I've recently been seeking out inspirational or motivational reads that will speak to me, specifically works from women of color. I wanted to hear advice and wisdom from black women who have succeeded professionally and/or personally, and learn from their journeys. I heard that the Queen of TGIT (if you don't know what that is we can't be friends), Shonda Rhimes, wrote a book not too long ago and knew I had to order it. Two days later "Year of Yes" came in the mail.

Written with the same flair and charisma as her Scandal monologues, "Year of Yes" was empowering, funny and insightful. Rhimes talks about her struggles with having it all and still being unhappy. She questions how she came to be so miserable, and decides that saying no to any and everything was to blame. She declined speaking engagements, parties, interviews, playing with her children and other significant events. So, she pushes herself to say YES to everything she's asked. Her year of yes challenges her to face her fears, confront her insecurities and grow as a woman and mother. Her story inspired me to also push myself to say yes to things I would normally decline.  One of the first ways I practiced this was saying "yes" to zip lining, even though heights terrify me and I just knew I was going to throw up and die.

BUT I made it! I faced my fear of heights, said yes and had a terrifying, but thrilling, time flying through the sky. By saying yes you open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities. You meet and engage with more people, create once-in-a-lifetime memories and overall make more of your life. I plan on continuing to say yes and excited to see where that leads me.

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