Superbowl Commercials...

10:47:00 AM

Hey world! So as everyone knows the Superbowl was this weekend and the Saints won!!! Wooooo!! Shout-out to all my "Nawlins" fam. I think they definitely deserved it. I watched the game at Buffalo Wild Wings decked out in my Saints gear, appreciating good food and good company. Now something I noticed while watching America's # 1 telecast is that 99.9% of all the commercials during the Superbowl were catered to men. There were absolutely no commercials catering to women. Do we still live in a society that believes only men can appreciate sports? I know me, myself LOVES sports. I mean statistically there are more women than men in this country and for the Superbowl to be the number one most watched program each year, women must tune in. I watch sports more than my than my older 21 year old brother ever has. And hey, you know what I would appreciate some commercials that spoke to the female football fan. Ladies, do you agree?

On a side-note LOVED the Doritos commercial with the little kid talking about his mama! Incredibly cute and hilarious! Watch the video below and tell me what you think, some people are commenting that it's "racist" but I really don't get that vibe...

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