Considering A Diet Change

11:38:00 AM

I have grown up most of my life as a omnivore, meaning like most Americans, I eat meat (red meat, poultry, etc.) and vegetables/fruits. However, I've recently been considering a Pescetarian diet, eliminating pork, red meat, and poultry from my diet and only eating fish and veggies. I don't eat that much meat as it is, and seafood dishes are my favorite.

Seafood Linguine [yummm!]

Some of the benefits of a pescetarian diet include:
  • Seafood is low in saturated fat, which causes high cholesterol. 
  • Fish is a rich source of Omega-3 Fatty acids. 
  • Over a long period of time, eliminating other meats and only eating fish can save you money. 

This is a decision I have to consider a little more before I ultimately decide. I love, love my fruits and vegetables and seafood...but the ocasional steak or chicken dish always leaves me satisfied!

What's a girl to do?

How do you feel about the vegetarian vs. omnivore vs. pescetarian diet? Any Pros or Cons?


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