Past My Bedtime...

2:10:00 AM

So it is clearly ridiculously past my bedtime. I should have been asleep hours ago. However, (for some odd reason I guess we can contribute it to my night owl syndrome), I am still awake. Today I enjoyed an amazing night of bonding and catch-up sessions with my line (sorority) sisters. As the time passes, and more and more of us graduate and move on in life, it has been difficult at times to stay connected. Maintaining friendships and relationships while on the same campus? Simple. Maintaining those same relationships from a distance? Difficult.

My Line Sisters and I
Keeping up communication with college friends and loved ones is the key to these relationships continuing to flourish. When life seems to be getting in the way, when work needs to be done, and your mother is visiting, and the cute guy down the hall is flirting. When your boss gives you an extra shift or project, when your co-workers want to go to happy hour, or your boyfriend plans the perfect date. When bills need to be paid, groceries bought, apartment cleaned. Don't forget to take the time out to talk to old friends. They were there from the beginning and it is important to build on old friendships, instead of letting them fizzle. Unlike most things in life, this is something we have complete control over. I personally am challenging myself to do more. Why not join me? In the famous words of Drake: No new friends, no new friends, no no no...Okay he was being a little dramatic. I'm all for new friends!

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