Living in the Moment: Thoughts for 2017

5:08:00 PM

Happy New Year! I spent the latter half of 2016 doing a lot of reflecting. Last year was a rollercoaster year for me with the highest of highs and many lows. Through this reflection I came to a realization that I wanted to share with others. My whole life I have always been a Type A, goal setting perfectionist. Anything I set my mind to, I achieved. I had to attend a certain college (University of Michigan), had to graduate on time (was crushed when I had to complete an extra semester), needed the perfect job in the perfect city by 25, married to my dream man by 30 etc. I've always put pressure on myself to accomplish certain things within a certain timeframe or else I considered it a failure.

However, as I have grown and experienced life during my mid-20s, I have learned that there is no timeline to happiness. Life happens when and how it is suppose to regardless of your plans, goals or when you think it should happen. I have accepted that what is meant for me, will always be meant for me whether it happens at 26 or 46, and I will be happy either way.

I no longer put pressure on myself to have the dream job right now or to be married by 30. I know those things will come in time and I want to be prepared when they do. I believe one of the keys to a content life is enjoying the present, not fretting on the future or dwelling over the past.

So if you're not where you told yourself you would be by this time, that is okay.

Enjoy the journey.

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